6 Ways To Help The Environment Whilst Walking

In theory, getting out and about for a good walk can only be seen as a positive thing; fresh air, getting the heart pumping, using most muscles groups and clearing your mind, but like with everything we do in life, our actions have a knock on effect on the environment in which we live, so how can we make sure that positively affect the environment rather than negatively?

We are much more wise to ways in which we can protect our planet these days which is fantastic and extremely necessary if we want to sustain life on earth as we know it, so let's look at some ways we can do our small part when we go walking - after all it's all of the small changes that we make that will have big impacts. 

1.Collecting Rubbish

Sadly all too often we see litter on the ground as we walk through beautiful countryside, its unsightly and can cause a lot of harm to the local wildlife. Next time you go walking why not pack a carrier bag and collect rubbish as and when you find it. 

Huge projects to clean up beaches have resulted in otherwise unusable beaches being completely cleaned up and the same goes for the countryside - help to look after the places you enjoy walking, just like you would in your own garden. 

Perhaps you can get other walkers on-board too and people that see you collecting rubbish might also realise what a great idea this is and do the same the next time they go out walking - many hands make light work and all that!

2.Use Refillable Water Bottles

Yes we know you’ve heard it a million times before but just be super organised and pack enough water in reusable bottles that you don’t run out and have to make an emergency stop at a shop for bottled water. We’re all guilty of it right?! 

3.Walk Instead Of Driving

If you have a regular car commute could you perhaps try and swap it out with walking instead? Nip to the shops by foot instead of jumping into the car? 

Cutting back on our carbon emission by not driving is an easy step we can take towards helping our environment and also getting a little bit fitter ourselves. 

4.Buy Second Hand Walking Gear

Rather than rushing out to buy new walking gear take a look on second hand selling sites and try and buy second hand. There are so many options for doing this now that there really is no need to always buy new products and really there is no excuse for not buying second hand. People generally only sell products with a lot of life left in them and you’ll usually grab yourself a bargain too. 

Second hand shopping is becoming increasingly popular and we are right behind this trend. 

5.Choose Local Walks

If you do some research then you’ll probably find that there are many gorgeous walks right on your doorstep. By choosing a route that you need to drive to you’re reducing your carbon footprint. 

Pop into a local library or cafe and quite often you’ll find little guides to your area which may have some nice walking route ideas, or just have a Google!

6.Leave No Traces

As walkers and lovers of nature it is our duty to make sure that we leave the countryside just as it was when we came (or even better if we’ve managed to collect rubbish!). Clean up after yourself, don’t disturb nature by picking flowers or getting too close to animals and their homes.

Go on a walk as an observer so that there are no traces left behind of you ever having been there.